It Takes A Village To Raise A Child

Make a Difference in Our Community Today


We believe every child deserves an education.


We believe in honesty and harmony in all we say, do, and think.


We believe that a commitment to growth and prosperity will improve each child’s chance of success.


We believe that trust and respect are essential to all of our children, teachers, and volunteers.


We believe that everyone in the community shares the responsibility of educating their children.


We believe that every good act counts.


We believe in paying it forward and giving back to our community.


We believe nature and environmental conservation is the key to a healthy living.



Lewis, who considers himself polite, hardworking and generous, would like to become a teacher one day. In school he loves studying biology, particularly the functions of the human body. He's one of the top students in his class, and his principal and teachers believe he'll be extremely successful in university. He is our first student to graduate high school and apply for our scholarship program. Please consider donating to Lewis for his first year in University. Note "Lewis" when you are taken to the donations page in the comment section.

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Visit our Etsy store for friends in the US. Proceeds from all sales go to Inzeku Education Foundation while you proudly show your support of Inzeku children in Kakamega County, Kenya in Africa.

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Christmas is going to show up quicker than we think. An Inzeku ornament is a great friendship gift. Your friends get an adorable ornament for their tree while also giving the gift of education to a deserving child.

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About Us
The Inzeku Education Foundation is based in the remote village of Irechelo, in Kakamega County, Kenya. It was created to provide basic necessities to children living in poverty, with the larger goal of providing for their education. The basic necessities we provide include uniforms, school fees, books, funds for medical expenses, and most importantly, food. Most of the children we help are orphans. 

The idea was conceived over dinner with a group of friends from Italy in 2016. These friends sponsored the first seven children in December of 2016. The foundation’s work officially started the following month. As of June 2023, we ​were granted ​our 501(c)3 tax exempt status.

Our Vision
To provide the tools and support for all children to become educated and create a brighter future for themselves.

Our Mission

To ensure that every child has an opportunity for education, so that they may be inspired, motivated, and encouraged to chase their dreams.

Cover Tuition Fees, Books and School Uniforms

For $50 a month, you can provide the first few steps towards educating a child by enabling the child to have one piece of school uniform, 1 pair of shoes, needed school books and tuition fee for the whole year in a government institution. But any amount helps support that child, your donations, no matter the size are gratefully appreciated.


Children can’t learn on an empty stomach. Most of the children we help are orphans living with guardians who cannot provide them with a balanced diet. You can donate any amount to provide food and help the children concentrate on their studies without being distracted by hunger.

Medical Expenses

Our medical program funds the treatment of any child in the project who needs medical assistance. Any amount donated is appreciated.

Empower a Future
Join us in transforming lives through education. Your sponsorship can provide an underprivileged African student with the tools they need to succeed—access to quality education, school supplies, and a brighter future.

Every donation, big or small, makes a difference.
  • Irechelo, Kenya

Inzeku USA Board Denver, CO